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Release 3.28.30 – 9 Jan 2023

Scaligner Paired chains: when several chains are provided in one or several files for a sequence, they can be assembled based on the name of the chain. A regular expression is used to extract the sequence name from the chain name and chains with the same sequence name are paired. In previous versions of Scaligner, […]

Release 3.28.4 – 2 May 2022

Scaligner Improve liabilities identification and reporting: Define new liabilities from the user interface Categorize liabilities (PTM of different priorities, STOP codons, immunogenicity…) Customize the color used to display liabilities (one color by category) Prioritize categories: in case one amino acid is part of several liabilities, the color of the highest priority is used Improve the […]

Network outage

The redundant network connection has been interrupted at the primary datacenter  between 14:30 and 14:50 today, preventing our users from accessing the Cloud hosted services. Data security, integrity and confidentiality have not been compromised. What did happened? The incident is due to a bug during the firmware upgrade of the DNS servers of the data […]

Release 3.27.40 – 14 mar 2022

Scaligner BugFix: large deletions (more than 3 bases deleted) in the test sequence were not reported correctly in the Sequence windows, and were preventing other flags from being displayed. Infrastructure Apache version update

Release 3.27.39 – 3 Mar 2022

Scaligner Include numbering labels in Excel file exported from the alignment window. Improve Javascript in Web interface to support alignment of 1000+ sequences in reasonable time. Add access to “Protocols” and “AB1 import” in the menu bar. Enable the customization of the error message email sender to enable relaying in some environments. Chromatogram viewer: Merge […]